The winner of the Halloween ToteBag from Mimi and Reese is:
Here are your random numbers:188
Timestamp: 2008-10-07 15:10:49 UTC
Jessica from TIME Traveler!
Congrats! You have been emailed! Please respond within 72 hours to claim your prize!
The winner of the Halloween ToteBag from Mimi and Reese is:
Here are your random numbers:188
Timestamp: 2008-10-07 15:10:49 UTC
Yaaa! Thanks so much for this.
Could you please resend the email to jkupc7 at yahoo dot com?
I can not receive mail at my livejournal.
This is my email just in case you need to be sure of that. This page lists it. 😀
I re-emailed you!