I hope you all had a wonderful, relaxing and food-filled Thanksgiving! I know many of you will be running out in the wee hours of the morning to catch all of the great bargains on Black Friday. But, don’t forget to stop by The Not-So-Blog and enter to win FREE stuff! Why stand in line when you can win amazing gifts right HERE….from the comfort of your own home!
The “12 Days of Christmas” giveaway will begin bright and early tomorrow morning. Each day’s prize will relate in some way (and sometimes, quite loosely….no I am actually NOT giving away ten lords a leaping….sorry) to the theme of the day. If you need a refresher course on the lyrics of the 12 Days of Christmas (or if you just really love the Muppets), watch this video:
Sit back, relax, grab my giveaway button and get ready for some wonderful giveaways!
can’t wait to play along!!