January has ended and it’s time to pull the next round of winners! Here we go:
National Geographic: Andrea H.
Gummylump: Niecey
Coffee for Less: Cheryl
Softlips: Beth C.
Nature’s Peak: Tamara B.
Traiminic Thin Strips: Ale O.
Musicolor: Rhonda M.
Musselman’s: Theresa S.
Doodlebug Dezigns: Ashley S.
Crystal Light: Betty
Thanks to everyone who participated! The winners will be emailed shortly and must claim their prize within 72 hours.
Congrats to the winners!!!
Hi! Just letting you know I have been coming to your website so quite some time. You’re really inspirational. I also have the same theme as you for my blog and I am learning to change the colors around a little bit. I also wanted you to know that I put your banner on my site.
Thank you so much, I am excited about trying this organic coffee!
Congrats to the winners!