In Junior High, I had a really incredible Science Teacher. Her teaching style got me really excited about Science and I wanted to know more by the time I got to high school. It was there that I began my love of Biology, but other than becoming a Doctor, I wasn’t sure what I could do with that degree. Fortunately, in college I learned about Microbiology and I was hooked! Now, as a lab technician, I want to instill that same love of Science in my girls by exposing them to the concepts at any early age.
Through Mom Central, I just learned of a new Mad Science publication called KNOW Magazine. Geared towards kids ages 6-9, exposes kids to age appropriate experiments, articles, games, puzzles and more! I downloaded a free sample issue and sat down with my almost 6 year old. She was intrigued by the “Up Close” section where they magnified the belly of a gecko! She was also drawn the the section on planets and the “Home Lab” which offers exciting (and safe) experiments to try at home.
As a Mom, I am happy that the entire magazine is outside advertising free and combines educational articles with fun interactive puzzles that keep my child thinking logically. There is also a creative aspect each month in the feature called “Comic Captions” where kids are shown a picture and can submit their funniest caption!
While my daughter is just learning to read, she definitely needed help reading this magazine. But this provided nice quality time for the two of us while I got to share some of my own love of Science with her. I definitely think that KNOW magazine would make a great holiday gift for any child ages 6-9. A one year subscription (6 issues) can be purchased for $26. For older kids, check out YES Mag!