
Pampers Swaddlers Thank You Nurses

This review was made possible by iConnect and Pampers. I was provided compensation to facilitate this post, but all opinions are 100% mine.

You’ve cared for your growing baby for around 40 weeks trying to enjoy the journey while worrying about every movement, heartbeat and ultrasound. But the excitement of seeing your baby’s face, holding baby’s hand, and kissing baby’s forehead all for the first time is almost overwhelming. Heading to the hospital to have my first baby, my excitement remained but my fears quickly took over.

I don’t know how to care for a baby! How do I change a diaper? Will breastfeeding be successful? How do I give baby a bath? What if baby gets sick? What if I don’t have any motherly instincts?

Fortunately, from the moment I arrived at the hospital, I was greeted with a team of nurses that could not have been more amazing. From getting me through a NINETEEN hour labor to teaching me to breastfeed my newborn, I learned so much in my first few hours of Motherhood from the nurses assigned to me.

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Soon after birth, my daughter unfortunately had to be taken to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. As a new Mom, I was a mess but the nurses who tended to my daughter made sure I was informed of any and all changes, answered a multitude of questions and transported me from my recovery room to the NICU anytime I asked. And they did it all with love, compassion and a smile.

I cannot thank those nurses enough for everything they did to make Lily’s first few days on Earth beautiful and my days as a Mom more than special. Pampers Swaddlers recognizing all that these amazing nurses do to make life #BetterforBaby and has created a way for you to nominate that special nurse for a Thank You Nurses Award!


From now through December 14th, you can nominate a nurse in one of three categories: Labor & Delivery, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and Postpartum. Three finalists will be announced in March 2016 who will each be honored with a short documentary showcasing their unique  and inspirational nursing stories, a one year membership to the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN), attendance at the 2016 AWHONN Convention and an array of Procter & Gamble products. In addition, three Pampers Swaddlers scholarships will be made available to help nurses from underrepresented groups complete their studies toward a Master of Science in Nursing degree.

Do you know a deserving nurse? Want to honor all that they did to give your baby the very best start? Nominate them for a Pampers Swaddlers Thank You Nurses Award here before December 14th!

Even better? Enter below to win a $100 AMEX card to honor a nurse in your own neighborhood plus a pack of Pampers Swaddlers!

76 thoughts on “Pampers Swaddlers Thank You Nurses”

  1. I learned how to give a bath and how to take care of that special place on a baby and what to expect with breast feeding and babies first bowel movement. I am so glad she told me these things or I would have freaked out!

  2. The best – With our first born baby a wonderful nurse suggested to do my best to trust my own judgment.
    thank you

  3. After I had my first child my nurse game me so much advice on nursing and if it wasn’t for her telling me to keep trying and giving me tips I probably would have given up.

  4. No one valuable tip that I remember the most, but all the advice and help the nurses in the NICU gave me with pumping and my milk supply when our daughter was born early and in the NICU. They were amazing!

  5. a nurse encouraged me to rest all I could after I had my baby, even if I felt like I needed to be doing everything else in the world

  6. Don’t neglect yourself because you need to take care of yourself before you can take care of others.

    Entered the Rafflecopter as “Wild Orchid”

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    wildorchid985 AT gmail DOT com

  7. To not wait if you think something is wrong with you – call 911 or go to the doctor, depending on severity of course.

  8. The best advice I ever got from a nurse was from one named Vanessa when I had my first daughter. She said don’t worry about all the judging you’ll be getting from other moms who think you should be parenting a different way. Do what works for your family. Boy, was she right! I had no idea all the crazies would come out once I had my first haha.

  9. I was a wimp when it came to taking pills. When I had my first son the nurse told me to hold my head down like I was looking at my feet and the pill would go right on down. i still do it to this day.

  10. Rest every chance you can. If the baby is sleeping, you should be sleeping too. Thanks so much for the chance!

  11. I had a nurse tell me that the swelling in my feet would go down. I was all nervous about it. It wasn’t a tip but encouragement .

  12. All kidding aside, one of my favorite tips was “don’t get rid of the nose sucker (bulb) that the hospital supplies to you. You will have an extremely hard time finding anything anywhere near as affective. ” lol might sound like a silly tip, but seriously, don’t get rid of that one lol

  13. Well when my little guy was born I was told how to clean his freshly snipped area. Oh boy I felt horrible when he cried.

  14. Thank You for the giveaway…one nurse suggested a white noise machine & various downloadable heartbeat recordings that might help calm the baby, help sleep more soundly.

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