
Reliving Soft Summer Memories with Scotties

SUMMER. The word itself brings a smile to your face. No school, no homework, a lighter schedule, sleeping in, and spending much needed time with your family. When I was asked by Scotties Tissues to share some of my great summer memories, I knew I’d have no shortage of things to share with you!

Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 7.52.26 PMIn South Louisiana, Summer is all about staying cool. With the heat index often 100 or above and high humidity, it’s a necessity! Every summer, all anyone can talk about is the heat! We hit the beach this summer and it was a great trip that helped provide some much needed rest and relaxation. The kids enjoyed swimming, burying each other in the sand, and riding the waves. We also spent the day at the water park and spent an afternoon tunneling down slides and riding along the lazy river. Back at home, we stay cool by visiting my in-laws and enjoying their backyard pool.

This summer, we had the added bonus of our new puppy Mollie along for a visit and she couldn’t wait to get in with the kids! I think we had more fun watching her than we did swimming. If I’m being brutally honest, my favorite thing about summer isn’t swimming, sleeping in, or taking a break from the rat race. It’s SNOWBALLS. I don’t mean snow like you ski on. I mean the most delicious concoction you’ve ever put in your mouth, and no one does them better than New Orleans. Don’t dare call it a snow cone. It’s not the same, and not even close. The ice is shaved and fluffy, the syrup is smooth and sweet, and the condensed milk sends you into calorie overload. Best. Summer. Treat. Ever.

With all of these fun things on the summer schedule also comes summer mess. Sticky hands, sweaty faces, you name it. My summer mantra is be prepared to clean up at any time. For those times, I rely on Scotties Tissues (available on Amazon) to help us while we’re on the run. When summer is over, my Scotties Tissues may also help me dry my tears when it’s time to head back to school!

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Scotties Tissues wants to help sweeten your summer memories by sending one of our lucky readers a $25 Amazon Gift Card and a Scotties Tissue Care Pack! Enter below for a chance to win:

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173 thoughts on “Reliving Soft Summer Memories with Scotties”

  1. It hasn’t been a very memorable summer yet – looking forward to my class reunion in a few weeks which will be the highlight I’m sure!

  2. My oldest daughter’s Sweet 16 party is my favorite memory of the summer. I want to totally forget the she’s driving part. Thank you!

  3. My favorite is a trip we took to Maryland to visit with my nephew who is in the navy. Both my sons were so excited to spend time with him. We really had a great time.

  4. My favorite summer memory is when we went camping in July for a week and we had so much fun with the kids swimming, cooking over the campfire. It was a blast!

  5. Unfortunately I have no favorite memories of summer 2016. My husband was vary sick and passed away July 21st. I would just as soon forget this summer

  6. Don’t really have any, this has been a boring year, we bought a new home and had it moved to our property so we have been low on funds. I guess just spending time watching movies with the family.

  7. This summer was and is so hot, my fav is the signed up for Netflix, so stayed cool while streaming movies.

  8. My favorite summer memory for this year is an impromptu road trip to Denver CO.
    What a beautiful state!
    thank you

  9. Hmm, summer 2016 has been a rough one – a tree fell on our house in May so we we’ve been displaced from our home and had to cancel our summer plans to deal with the aftermath. Best memories, just spending time with the kids, we had to stick close to home but we tried to make the best of it – visited state parks, the springs, played lots of games.

  10. My favorite summer memory of this year is going to a Rob Zombie concert in St. Louis. Thanks.

  11. Oh I have to say our favorite has been raising monarchs! We have released 76 already this summer….and have about another 100 in our home right now either eating milkweed like crazy and growing….or in a chrysalis waiting to emerge. So exciting and beautiful watching them grow, spin, and emerge!

  12. Spending the 4th of July with my entire family, bbqing, playing horseshoes, fireworks and birthday cake for my husband.

  13. My favorite summer memory of 2016 was riding a jet ski with my grandson in FL and seeing dolphins in the ocean!

  14. It was a great summer for us. I have two favorites, taking my grandkids to Niagara Falls and my youngest son graduating.

  15. Honestly – this year it’s the yard. For the first time since I moved into my home I have a really nice lawn and it looks nicer than my retired neighbor’s lawn (who does nothing but work in the yard)!

  16. My favorite memory is spending a week at the beach with my family plus my parents. It was so relaxing!

  17. My favorite memory was going to the beach for a week with my dog! She had so much fun running in the sand and playing in the water!

  18. Watching my two daughters graduate from high school and finding out I am going to be a first time grandma from our son and daughter in law.

  19. My favorite memory was my daughter graduating high school and my saddest will be when she leaves for college later this week. Send tissues!

  20. So far, it was spending a week with my nieces, having fun with games nights, movie marathons, and park adventures.

  21. My favorite summer memory was our trip to Florida – we stayed on a gorgeous island and went on early morning walks every day. So pretty and peaceful.

  22. I didn’t go away this summer, but my best memories are of standing in my veggie garden eating fresh picked tomatoes (with salt shaker in hand) and eating them! YUM

  23. My favorite summer memory is canoeing with my family and then falling in the river. While it sucked at the time, looking back it cracks me up!

  24. We took a road trip to Vancouver Island and had a wonderful time and the dog even got to go which made it better.

  25. It’s been a rough summer, so I’m afraid I don’t have a favorite memory of this summer. Hoping that fall has some pleasant memories to come!

  26. my favorite memory of the summer is my son bought his first boat and I went out with him and enjoyed it so much

  27. My favorite summer memory was a surprise visit from my military son who I had not seen in a year. It was so fabulous and once again I am left missing him but proud of him.

  28. My favorite memory is that my sister and her husband were able to come here this summer and stay for two months.
    My brother-in-law is in stage 4 of prostate cancer, so this was really special. We had many picnics, dinners, and card games.
    I will always cherish the memories of this summer!

  29. My favorite summer memory is when I was at my sisters house and me, my mom and my nieces were playing pillow fight and when my mom would hide from them my 1 year old niece kept giving her up, and I thought it was funny and cute and she would laugh every time.

  30. My favorite memory for Summer 2016 was that it rained and my lawn came back to life after years of being dormant.

  31. My favorite memory was our trip to disney world. I got to experience my nephews first trip and it was amazing.

  32. My favorite memory is the wedding I attended in Massachusetts that was held on the ground of a horticultural center.

  33. Going on road trips with my daughter, especially the beach. She is a teenager and to reconnect with her is so important.

  34. Going to OBX with my family! I feel so blessed to be able to go with both my parents and my kids on vacation.

  35. My favorite non fading memory was the whole summer Olympics. I really enjoyed watching the swimmers and diving.

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