
What is WITH the McDonald’s Logo?!?

Why is it that BOTH of my children have odd reactions to the McDonald’s logo? Are the Golden Arches really THAT disturbing? I once wrote a post about the Golden Arches being the universal symbol for “I have to potty.” Every time Lily sees the logo, she MUST stop and potty. It’s like she is … Read more

Think Thin Thursdays

Yep, it’s Thursday! Time to Think Thin! Why is it that when I get so close to a goal, I sabotage my efforts? I cut myself a little slack, which turns into a LOT of slack, which turns into swimming in a giant pit of McDonald’s french fries. Ugh. Here’s the ugly truth….don’t look directly … Read more

Wordless Wednesday

This was in our paper last week in the Birth Announcement section. Um. Yeah. Hail to the new royal babies!

Think Thin Thursdays

Break out the scales and weigh in! It’s Thursday! How did everyone do this week? I think the key this week for me was meal planning. My hubby and I decided to start a budget in January, so we have been forced to plan our meals better and eat out less. In addition to helping … Read more

Wordless Wednesday

I took this picture to prove to them in the future that in fact, they ARE capable of playing nicely together! LOL!