
Pamper Yourself with Cafe Escapes K-Cup Portion Packs {Giveaway}

By a show of hands, how many of you pamper yourself each day?  Take 10 minutes of “me” time a day?  5 minutes?  Anyone?  I know as a busy Mom, if going to the bathroom alone doesn’t count (which rarely happens anyway), I never get a chance to do anything for me.  Fortunately, Green Mountain … Read more

Save the Polar Bear’s Arctic Home {$100 Giveaway}

With the unseasonably warm temperatures here in Southeast Louisiana, the frigid Arctic seems more than a world away.  But, polar bears, the inhabitants of the Arctic, are close to the heart of Coca-Cola as they represent the icy cold refreshment you enjoy as well as family togetherness.  This winter, Coca-Cola is partnering with the World … Read more

Stay Warm with Icebreaker Apparel {Giveaway}

Here in South Louisiana, you can be in flip-flops and a tee shirt one day, and bundled up in your heaviest coat the next.  Even more challenging are days that start out freezing and by lunchtime, you’re a puddle of sweat.  It’s essential to have easy pieces to layer that will keep you warm without … Read more

Get Real with Tropicana’s Trop50 True Resolutions

I am generally not a “resolution” person.  In fact, I rarely make New Year’s Resolutions because I am not a fan of failure.  Maybe that’s not a very optimistic outlook, but I need more motivation for success than just a new year upon us.  This year?  I have a renewed sense of motivation.  Why, you … Read more

Come Dish about Resolutions with Ivory on “Soap Dish!” {Giveaway}

When you grocery shop, are there brands that you always reach for just because it’s what your Mom purchased?  For me, Ivory was one of the staples in our home so it was only natural to continue the habit, but I am loving exploring the new products released recently! As part of Ivory’s “makeover”, the … Read more

Sweet SONIC Drive-In Tees {$20 SONIC Giveaway}

All this holiday shopping is making me thirsty!  And if you read this blog at all, you know that when I am thirsty, nothing will do except a big glass of Southern Sweet Tea.  One of my favorite places to get my sweet tea fix is SONIC Drive-In (it doesn’t hurt that they have delicious … Read more