
Tips for Traveling with a Toddler

My family and I are by no means considered jet-setters.  But, we have made a few successful trips with our kids in recent years including several Hurricane evacuations with toddlers which required living in a hotel room or campground for several weeks. Traveling as a family is not always an easy task. Whether it’s flying … Read more

Hurricane Isaac is Packing a Punch in NOLA

To say that last night was scary would be an extreme understatement.  As Hurricane Isaac rolled in to New Orleans, the wind gusts were tremendous and constant.  He stalled right over us even backing up and making a second landfall causing us to get repeatedly punched in the gut.  This morning, the winds have died … Read more

Isaac Approaches New Orleans

Since we will be stuck inside as Tropical Storm (soon to be Hurricane) approaches New Orleans, I decided to amuse myself by playing weather reporter.  This video was shot at 9:30am CST and hopefully, this will give you a glimpse into what is going on in my hometown.  Thank you all so much for your … Read more

How to Prepare to Evacuate for a Hurricane

I wish I could say that I have had no experience in evacuating my family to safer ground, but unfortunately, I’m a Pro!  As a child, we evacuated a hand full of times, but I never appreciated the planning that goes into making the trip as pleasant and safe as possible.  Now that I have … Read more