
Apparently, Jesus needs a Kleenex

Some of my best conversations with my daughter Lily (almost 5 years old) happen during bathtime.  Something about this quiet time together makes us both relax and share stories from the day.  Last night, we had a conversation that literally left me in tears, so I thought I would share it with you. Lily: “Mom, … Read more

My Preschool Princess

Today was Lily’s very first day of preschool!  I am a proud Mama!  She woke up at 5am (3 hours early), dressed herself, insisted on listening to “First Day of School” by the Imagination Movers over and over again in the car, and then practically RAN into her classroom. Who is this child!?!?  Is this … Read more

The Ultimate Compliment

As I was putting Lily to bed tonight, we went through her whole bedtime routine:  snack, bath, TV (one 30 minute show), book, prayers, hugs/kisses and bed.  Tonight as I finished up all the hugs and kisses, Lily looked at me and gave me the ULTIMATE compliment from a 4 year old: “Mommy, I love … Read more