What are Blog Popz?
A virtual version of the lollipops you gave in school to friends and admirers, each color represents a different theme. Get popz to give to fellow bloggers from authorized candy stores, receive them from admirers, and register your pop for a chance to win fantastic prizes for distributing and receiving the most popz.
“Yours is one of my favorite blogs.”
“You’re a great blog friend.”
If you’re lucky enough to receive a pop, proudly display it on your site. Reciprocate if you’d like, and don’t forget to register your pop for a chance to win prizes.
Registering your pop is the only way to win *Spring Fling* prizes. Complete the short form below for each pop you give and receive to increase your chances of winning. The two biggest poppers will receive first choice of prizes along with the most popped in each category. If you receive a pop it must be displayed on your site to be eligible to win.
- Complete the Blog Popz Giver Form if you gave a pop.
- Complete the Blog Popz Receiver Form if you received a pop.
- Check current standings anytime on the Popz Standings & FAQ page.
Blog Popz *Spring Fling* Edition Prizes
- Bubblecakes.com Personalized Baby Blankets, $25 Gift Certificate
- Hohobbers Classic Primary Canvas folding rocking chair, Personalized with child’s name
- Clouds & Stars Starter Set & Mattress Pad, Featured in the Ultimate Baby Gift Guide
- Royal Beginnings Ultimate Baby Changing Handbag, Your choice of pattern
- Lovely Labels $25 Gift Certificate
Love Pop Candy Store
The Not-So-Blog is your source for the Love! pop to give to all of the blogs you *puffy heart*! Complete any one of the following to “buy” your pop (grab the code.) Once you complete all five you can give unlimited pops without leaving more comments!
1. Blog about Blog Popz including the prizes. Leave a comment below with the post link.
2. Subscribe to The Not-So-Blog and leave the comment “I’m a subscriber.”
3. Favorite me in Technorati.
4. Share this post leaving the comment “I shared” with the name of your blog.
5. Twitter about Blog Popz, ask for a RT and include “@BridgetteLA” Say “I tweeted!”
If you have any questions or would like to donate a prize for future editions, check the FAQ page or contact Baby Kid Blogs. Blog Popz *Spring Fling* would like to thank special friends, the talented Gisele Jaquenod and our new favorite site, Mom Faves.
i favored you in technorati! Username YasmineO
(hope im doing this right!
Giving it to Cat @ 3kidandUS
Oops I commented on the old blog. I completed all entry points on the blogger side. I’m sending a pop to Victoria at Life Starring Ellie and Eve.
I thought it was a cute graphic. Tried to follow it from another blog and came here to a 404 page on your site. Only found this post by searching Google for “blog pop candy store”. This page came up low on the results but at least I figured out what the graphic was for, sort of. 🙂
I’ve blogged about the Blog Popz.
I’m a subscriber!
I’ve faved you on Technorati as badgermomma.
I shared by Stumbling as badgermomma1. My blog is Badger Momma.
I Tweeted!
I’m a subscriber
Blogged http://nightowlmama.blogspot.com/2009/06/blog-pops-are-back.html
I tweet
I shared at the shopaholic Mommy
I can’t seem to get this to show on my blog its saying the image is gone CAN U HELP??
love your blog
love your blog the not so blog