My daughter received her very first Nintendo DS (pink, of course) from Santa last year and since then, they have been inseparable! She has tried many games and is finally getting quite proficient at some of them. But, her favorite series by far has been Ubisoft’s Petz series. By nature, my daughter is loving, caring and protective which is exactly why she loves taking care of her virtual pets (and probably because we won’t let her have any real pets in the house!). She recently received the Petz Bunnyz Bunch
for review courtesy of Clever Girls Collective and Ubisoft. Ironically, she was just asking me for a bunny about 2 days before this game arrived…..whew….crisis averted! About the game:
“In Ubisoft’s Petz Bunnyz Bunch, players care for the cutest and most remarkable bunch of bunnyz imaginable. Raise them in your house and show them their new home. Teach them how to follow you when called upon, hop up on furniture, and even play music. On top of being absolutely adorable, these bunnies have personality. They know exactly what they want and know how to show you, so if you take good care of them they’ll surprise you with games of hide-and-seek or other treats.”
Since my daughter has been playing the game, I thought it would be better for her to share her thoughts in her own words with you. Check out her first vlog!
As you can tell, she loves playing with (and giving baths to) the four bunnies she has created! We both would recommend this game for your pet lover and found it on for $29. We can’t wait to se what’s next!
Thank you to Ubisoft for sponsoring this blog post. Please click here to learn more about Ubisoft. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective. All opinions are my own.