
My Entry: Label Daddy BlogHer ’09 Sponsorship

Here goes nothin’ (I hope you will all still be my friends after you see me make a complete FOOL of myself)!! Check out my vlog to see why I want to win the Label Daddy BlogHer ’09 Sponsorship!

OK, stop laughing…..seriously, stop laughing! I have to be serious for a minute!

I am fairly new to the blogging community and have already grown by leaps and bounds (pick me). But, I know I have a TON to learn. While I have met many mom blogs along the way (pick me) that have helped tremendously, I know that attending BlogHer would allow me to learn the steps I need (pick me) in order to take my blog to the next level. I would be MORE than honored to represent Label Daddy (pick me) in Chicago and network with the bloggers I have met along the way.

Thank you so much for your consideration (pick me)!

Do you like my video? Make sure you comment and tell Label Daddy exactly why they should PICK ME!!

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